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Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Blue Oak Elementary School, Home of the Bulldogs!

At Blue Oak Elementary, we believe that education is a lifelong process and that all children are capable of learning. We use a child centered approach to support our students academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally and believe that students should be at the center of all school-related decisions. 

One way we support our Bulldogs is through our Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program.  The goal of this program is to teach and reinforce school wide expectations in a positive way and reward students when they have met those expectations.  Students earn “Paw Promises” when they exhibit positive behaviors throughout our campus and use these incentive tickets to get prizes.  Our school-wide expectations at Blue Oak are “I am Respectful, I am Responsible, I am Safe, and I am a Problem Solver.”  Our dedicated PBIS team meets monthly to review behavioral data and looks for ways to help our students be successful and learn positive ways to deal with conflict and other challenges they may encounter on campus.   

Our devoted team of teachers engage in ongoing professional development to learn how to serve students in the best way possible.  Our teams meet weekly to look at student data and assess our approach to subject matter content and develop plans to strengthen and extend learning as needed.  We believe in developing critical thinkers and problem solvers so that our students can own their learning and use it to thrive throughout their educational careers.  

Relationships with our families and other educational partners is the key to our success here at Blue Oak.  Because these relationships are vital to the success of our students, I encourage you to become involved in every way possible.  I hope you will consider joining our PTA  and attending school wide events such as our Ice Cream Social, Fall Festival, or our Family Dance.  I encourage you to also seek out volunteer opportunities to serve on our campus.  Please reach out to our front office in order to get set up to serve.  

I look forward to partnering with you in your child’s education.  Should you ever need support, please come by the office or call me at 530-676-0164.

Gooooo Bulldogs! 

Julie Hughes

Blue Oak Principal 

Julie Hughes Principal Image